Untethered iOS 6.1.3 & 6.1.5 Jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, & iPod 4G released

Later the fiasco of the untethered iOS 7 jailbreak beingness released 24 hours ago by the evad3rs, iH8sn0w and winocm released their long awaited untethered iOS 6.1.iii & 6.one.5 jailbreak for the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPod touch 4G.
Here are the requirements posted on the iH8sn0w weblog:
1) Have a tethered jailbreak (either via redsn0w[Point to 6.0 IPSW] or sn0wbreeze).
2) Open Cydia.
3) Click the "Changes" tab in the footer.
4) Printing the "Refresh" button in the top left corner.
5) After "Reloading Information", perform a search for "p0sixspwn" (the O is a zero).
6) Tap Install.
That's information technology! You're untethered.
If you're non tethered jailbreak and you lot would similar a walkthrough, and so go to this post or watch this video below:
[Update ane]
There is a trouble with the untethered jailbreak parcel for iPhone iv GSM model users. iH8sn0w is going to fix this very shortly and then stay tuned.
[Update two]
iH8sn0w has given us a workaround if you're on the iPhone 4 GSM. Here's his instructions straight from his blog:
iPhone 4 (GSM) bootloop set up:
1) Download this Java runtime binary of msftguy's SSH RD Creator.
two) Put your iPhone 4 into DFU and wait for information technology to tell y'all to connect to localhost:2022
three) If you're on a Mac, employ terminal and type "ssh [electronic mail protected] -p 2022".
If y'all're on a PC, grab PuTTY and blazon localhost in Hostname, and 2022 under Port.
4) Enter "root" for the User Name.
v) Enter "alpine" for the Password.
6) Copy & Paste this 1 line bash control:
while [ ! -d /mnt2/mobile ]; do mount.sh; done; printf '\xD3\x8E\x95\xD4\x44\x47\x32\x2E\xA1\x5F\x9F\x9B\xE7\xE8\x8F\xDC' | dd of=/mnt2/untether/untether bs=i seek=1120 conv=notrunc; printf '\x00' | dd of=/mnt2/untether/untether bs=ane seek=27099 conv=notrunc; nvram auto-kicking=true; sync; reboot;
7) Printing ENTER.
eight) That's information technology.
[Update three]
iH8sn0w has added another method to fix the iPhone 4 GSM issue.
Method #ii:
1) Download this custom tar bundle
two) Open redsn0w
3) Select the 6.0 IPSW for the iPhone 4.
iv) Click the dorsum button and click Jailbreak.
five) Follow on screen prompts until you get to the series of checkboxes.
6) Checkmark Install Custom bundle
7) Browse to where yous downloaded the custom tar parcel in step one.
8) Click next.
9) After reboot, all should be well.
The untether parcel will return to Cydia shortly.
If you're not technically inclined, you lot may want to stay abroad from this workaround and just expect for the actual parcel that will be back on Cydia "soon".
[Update iv]
The bundle has been updated to fix the iPhone 4 GSM issue.
Let us know in the comments below if the jailbreak worked for you or if you're having any trouble.
Source: https://www.iphonehacks.com/2013/12/untethered-ios-6-1-3-6-1-5-jailbreak-iphone-3gs-iphone-4-ipod-4g-released.html
Posted by: nelsonenterhad.blogspot.com
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